Call for papers for 2011 KAMALL International Conference
관리자 2011.01.20 28803
The Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning (KAMALL) is now
accepting proposals for paper presentations/e-posters for KAMALL 2011 International
Conference. Topics of interest for paper presentations include the conference theme or
multimedia technology, especially Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Multimedia-
Assisted Language Learning, Web-Based Instruction, and Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning. Topics for e-posters include practical and innovative ideas for application of
multimedia/computer/mobile technology to second/foreign language learning or
demonstration of innovative computer or information technology for language learning.

Theme: New Directions for Blended Learning in EFL
Date: Saturday, October 15, 2011
Venue: Pai Chai University, Daejeon, Korea
Proposal Submission deadline: March 31 (Thursday), 2011

Please submit your proposal for an opportunity to appear in our program. All proposals
must be submitted electronically to Prof. Young Woo Cho/Prof. Wonkyung Choi at
kamall2011con@gmail.com. We accept Hangul files (.hwp) only, but MS-Word files(.doc)
are also acceptable only if you have no access to Hangul. Please be sure to include the
following information in your proposal:

1) Name & Affiliation:
2) Presentation Type (Please mark one): Paper presentation: ____ /E-poster: ____
2) Presentation Title:
3) Email address:
4) Cell phone number:

For any inquiries related to submission, please contact Prof. Young Woo Cho/Prof.
Wonkyung Choi at kamall2011con@gmail.com.