MMSEE 2017 International Conference
관리자 2017.03.16 11371

MMSEE 2017 International Conference

Go to Official Homepage http://www.mmsee2017.com/main/?load_popup=1

We encourage everyone to participate in the international joint conference of MMSEE 2017 to be held September 15 to September 17 in Gyeongin National University of Education, Incheon, South Korea.

Conference date: September 15 to 17 (3 days) 2017

Place: Gyeongin National University of Education, Incheon, Korea

Theme: Active Learning & Interactive Teaching: Using Movies and Multimedia in English Classrooms

Deadline for proposal: February 15, 2017

Notification to Accepted Authors: February 20, 2017

Deadline for conference proceedings: April 30th, 2017

The MMSEE committee is welcoming scholars, teachers, researchers from all over the world who are interested in media. And we are ready to assist you with any questions or concerns. Please contact us by email at mmsee2017@daum.net
