Conferences: EUROCALL 2016
관리자 2015.12.17 6149

Cyprus에서 개최되는 EUROCALL 2016에 관련된 정보입니다.


Conference title: EUROCALL 2016 (24th – 27th August 2016 – Limassol, Cyprus)

Keynote speakers: Mark Pegrum (The University of Western Australia), Panayiotis Zaphiris (Cyprus University of Technology), Leila Kajee (University of Johannesburg)

The theme of EuroCALL 2016 is CALL Communities and Culture. It offers a unique opportunity to hear from real-world CALL practitioners how they practice CALL in their communities, and how the CALL culture developed in local and global contexts. CALL has moved from traditional drill-and-practice programmes in the 1960s and 1970s to more recent manifestations of CALL, such as the use of interactive whiteboards, corpora and concordances, Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC), to the applications used in virtual learning environments and e-learning, virtual worlds, gaming and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL).

주요 날짜:

Abstract Submission – Call for papers
•Submission system opens: December 1st 2015
•Deadline for submissions of proposals: January 31st 2016
•Notification of acceptance: April 8th 2016

•Online registration opens: April 10th 2016
•Early-bird Registration ends: May 31st 2016
•Deadline for registration for accepted authors: May 31st 2016

Other important info will be available at http://eurocall2016.org/
