관리자 2014.11.26 6552

2015년 Italy에서 열리는 EUROCALL
2015 관련 소식입니다.

Keynote speakers: Sian Bayne ( Professor of Digital
Education, in the School of Education at the University of Edinburgh), Lynn
Mario Menezes de Souza (Professor of Language Education at the University of
Sao Paolo, Brazil)

The theme of this
year’s conference is Critical CALL, fostering the notion that we now want to
step back and critically appraise the field of CALL, to unpack and examine some
of the assumptions that may have become ingrained in our practice, and also to
reflect on the state of CALL and language pedagogy. There is also a need to
take a critical stance and question what it is we are doing and whose interests
we might be serving, since technology is not neutral, and nor is education.
Inspired by those who advocate critical approaches to second language teaching,
learning and assessment, especially when mediated by technology, we are
particularly interested in contributions that look at the interdependence
between language learning, power relationships and social change.

The 22nd
EUROCALL conference will be held at the University of Padova in Italy from 26th
to 29th August 2015

Important dates

Submission system opens: 15th December 2014

Deadline for submissions of proposals: 31st January 2015

Notification of acceptance: 31st March 2015

Early-bird Registration ends: 31st May 2015

Deadline for submissions of short papers for proceedings: 30th June

Other important info will be available at http://www.eurocall2015.it/en/sistemacongressi/eurocall-2015/website/home/
