Call for paper
관리자 2015.03.03 6476

for Papers: Language Learning & Technology

Issue on Methodological Innovation in CALL Research and its Role in SLA

issue editor
: Bryan Smith

special issue of Language Learning & Technology will focus on methodological
innovation in current CALL research. As the field of CALL matures,
teacher-scholars are employing many new and exciting applications of digital
technologies for second and foreign language learning (L2L), including mobile
technologies, gaming, and social media to name just a few. Likewise, new
applications for student-computer and student-student interaction continue to
improve and expand. Such developments, while exciting, present a host of
methodological challenges for researchers. That is to say, as we attempt to
harness many of these technologies for L2L and study their effectiveness we
often find that familiar methodologies for collecting and analyzing data are

this special issue we seek proposals that highlight how specific innovative
methodological choices allow us to capture and/or analyze aspects of
learner-computer or learner-learner interaction in a way that illuminate the
relationship between some aspect of CALL and SLA. Innovative methodological
choices may include applying an existing methodological tool or technique from
CALL or a cognate field in a new way or using a specific technology in a
methodologically innovative fashion. An example of an innovative methodological
choice would be if one were to conduct a stimulated recall session while a
participant viewed a screen capture of her own eye gaze during a previous
task-based CMC activity. Whereas stimulated recall is a widely used
methodological technique in applied linguistics research, it is not often employed
in conjunction with eye gaze recordings of CALL tasks. Likewise, though eye
tracking technology has been used in reading research for decades, it has only
recently begun to gain momentum in CALL as a tool for exploring the nature of
learner attention to form during interactive tasks.

order to be considered for this special issue, proposals must present in-depth
empirical data and report on actual language learning processes or outcomes.
Papers that present an original, innovative and compelling conceptual framework
for CALL methodology as it relates to SLA will also be considered.

consult the LLT Website for
guidelines on submission
and research.

also send a word document with your title and 250-word abstract by June 1, 2015

Publication timeline:

June 1,
2015: Submission deadline for abstracts

June 15,
2015: Invitation to authors to submit a manuscript

1, 2015: Submission deadline for manuscripts

1, 2017: Publication of special issue
